Aesthetic Medicine / Medical Field / International Law / Personal Expat Service / We help you to start you new carreer abroad in a foreign country whether you are EU or non EU citizen

Our aesthetic medical company group is a medical device distributor and pharmaceutical company whose goal is to bring products to Hungary whose manufacturers are not independently present in the country.

Hyaluronic acid-based therapeutic devices, typically used in aesthetic medicine, are our main field of expertise, we work with large and small manufacturers who do not consider it economical to operate on their own, so they entrust our company with a "contract sales and medical" based representation.

In this way, we supply not only the distribution, but also the medical professional segment, and we distribute the products of our manufacturers as our own products in Hungary on the basis of a contract.

Our tasks range from logistics to product acceptance to official approvals, workshops and training.

In these cases, our company performs all elements of pharmaceutical work in the classical sense.

We have already been the Best Academy of the Year, the Best Distributor in Eastern Europe, a breakout opportunity or even a crisis solution for our partners.

We are not product distributors.

We make the best use of our own market knowledge for those large companies that do not want to maintain an independent representation in Hungary, but we can make their products present in the country.

Those whose products we consider worthy or special based on professional considerations.

Knowledge and efficiency meet through us.

For manufacturers striving to maximize profits, organizing the sales chain in small countries like Hungary is a serious challenge. The product acceptance environment is unpredictable, We replace the missing link for them, which is based on dialogue with market players.

We don't have customers, we have students. We have partners.

We serve them with local knowledge and global operations.